28 September 2024
4 pm - Exerzierplatzplatz
(Meeting from 3 pm)

Why 2.0? Was there already 1.0?

We took to the streets for the first time on 4 November 2023 with the title ‘The Great Mutiny’. November is a month steeped in history… not only because the inner-German wall fell in November 1989. Kiel also made history in November. Because the November Revolution in 1918 started in Kiel. We took this as an opportunity to set an example once again in a November! According to press releases, 1,500 people took to the streets.

Unfortunately, politics has not changed since November 2023. On the contrary, it feels like everything is getting worse and worse. We have never had a federal government that has run our country into the ground in such a short time as the traffic light coalition. And we have never had a federal government that has so ignorantly and ruthlessly disregarded the will of the people.

This year we are already mutinying on 28 September, full of hope that it won’t be quite as cold as last time.

Come to Kiel, everyone!

He who has, has… Come with a yellow waistcoat and lights!
Let’s bathe Kiel’s streets in a bright yellow colour!

Make our protest visible !!! Together we are strong – with each other and for each other.

The great mutiny 2.0 - Kiel 2024, 28 September 2024

The Yellow Vests in Kiel invite you to a large demonstration and rally:

  • great speakers and Musicians 
  • Procession through the city


Kiel Exerzierplatz

  • Preceding motorcade (→ Info here)
  • Meeting from 3 pm
  • 4 pm Start with opening rally
  • Procession through the city with rally in between
  • End with final rally

Information about motorcade:
(not organized by us)

The preceding motorcade will meet from 11.00 am at the Germaniahafen on the Sandplatz. The start of the ride through Kiel is planned for approx. 12.30 pm. Enter ‘Zur Helling’ in the sat nav. Then you will arrive safely at your destination.

Meeting points and times for corsos to Kiel who want to join the Kiel corso to the demonstration will be announced here shortly.

Redner an Bord

  • Dr. Walter Weber: “WHO- Pandemievertrag” –
    Ärzte für Aufklärung
  • Dr. Martin Lindner: “Freiheit, Demokratie, ‘Energiewende’, Mut” – Bürger für Technik
  • Marco & Fahrid: “Frühsexualisierung unserer Kinder” – 
    Kinderschützer U.N.I.T.E.D
  • Anja Lues: “Krieg & Frieden, nach außen und nach innen” – Rednerin aus Rostock
  • Reina Günter: “Bargeld ist geprägte Freiheit” – Rednerin aus Henstedt-Ulzburg
  • Jann-Harro Petersen: “Zur Lage der heimischen Landwirtschaft” – Land schafft Verbindung (LSV) 

Musiker an Bord

  • Caro Kunde
    Pop/Rock Sängerin, Songwriterin mit Mut zu kritischen Texten
  • Der Biker (schlimm erkältet, wir wünschen gute Besserung)Ehrliche Worte, mit Stolz und Rückgrat gesungen
  • Kiming (abgesagt)
    Handgemachte Rockmusik, kritisch mit kleinen Lichtblicken
  • LMG Musik Serko & Stabil
    Rap mit deutlichen Worten
  • Matthias Wahl
    Singer-Songwriter mit klaren Worten zur aktuellen Politik

Speaker on board

  • Reina Günter on the topic of peace – speaker from Henstedt-Ulzburg
  • Jann-Harro Petersen on the situation of local agriculture – farmer from Tating
  • Colette Bornkamm-Rink angry citizen and peace activist
  • others will be announced if necessary

Musicians on board

  • to be announced

Otherwise on board

  • Drummers for peace, freedom & self-determination
  • 1,000 whistles
  • Streamers & alternative media
  • A motorcade with an unknown number of participants (not organised by us).

It works:

  • Flags
    (current German and federal state flags, flags of EU countries, club flags and peace doves)
  • Banners
  • Posters and statements to man or woman

NOT allowed:

  • Flags from current conflict and crisis areas
  • Flags belonging to the German Reich
  • Party insignia of any kind, even as part of clothing… because we go out on the streets as people with and for each other
  • Violence, fisticuffs & insults of any kind 
  • Pyrotechnics & open fire

By car, bus or train:

We recommend travelling by bus and/or train. The two largest car parks in Kiel city centre (Wilhelmplatz, Exerzierplatz) will not be available on 28 September.
(Does not apply to parade participants. They park at the demo start and end point on the parade ground).

Overview of parking spaces and multi-storey car parks:

» Parking in the city centre | » Parking for buses & motorhomes

Looking for a pitch for the night??

» Get in touch with us…

What was going on in 1918?

In 1918, the sailors mutinied. The war was lost and they did not want to be sent into a hopeless last stand for the sake of honour. Soldiers and workers then joined the protest. The Kiel sailors’ uprising continued throughout the country at the beginning of November 1918 and led, among other things, to the end of the monarchy. It is important to us to show that the courage of a handful of people can be worthwhile in order to achieve great things.

Last year, Thorben’s Nordreport recorded the events of 1918 (historically simplified) for you in a video. Of course, the date announced there does not apply this year and we have also adjusted the demands again.

And 2024?

Today, we support wars worldwide by supplying weapons. According to Federal Defence Minister Pistorius, we are also to be educated to be ‘fit for war’. That forebodes evil. We won’t go along with that.

We are walking – this year in September – some of the same routes as the sailors in 1918, stopping for rallies and actions at points that already existed back then.

We are adapting the 14 demands of the sailors, soldiers and workers of that time to the current situation.

This demo is going to be something big! The current policy must come to an end!

That is why we are taking to the streets as non-partisan people. We are making it known that a limit has been reached. We will not put up with everything!

Peacefully, with each other and for each other! – May Kiel once again provide a great impetus!

14 Demands


Stop arms deliveries to war zones. A foreign policy of reconciliation and diplomacy


End the indoctrination of society to build up ‘war readiness’.


An end to the persecution of dissenters.


Less tax money for armaments, more for schools, daycare centres, pensioners and health.


The press and media are asked to do their job. They should free themselves from political influence.


An end to the monitoring of opinions and the promotion of denunciation.


The interests of SMEs and farmers must be protected. No ideological economic policy. Preservation of jobs.


Skilled labour yes, migration into our social system no.


Immediate end to the weakening and undermining of the articles of our Basic Law. No restriction of fundamental and human rights.


Final end to the coronavirus restrictions and complete reappraisal of the coronavirus period.


Our healthcare system must not be controlled by the WHO. It is imperative that politicians decide against the pandemic treaty and international health regulations, if necessary by withdrawing from the WHO.


Promotion of local doctors and no state-prescribed medicine over the heads of the medical profession.


The takeover of critical infrastructure by hedge funds and other investors is to be stopped.


Abolition of the immunity of politicians and referendums at all political levels.

Who are the Kiel Yellow Vests?

We are just ordinary citizens. We are not a party, an organisation or a club.

We demonstrate with and for each other independently of parties and in no way want to abolish democracy. But we expect the federal government to do a good job.

We call on the federal government to live up to its mandate given by the citizens and not to act against the voters of this country!

You can find out more about us at